Jessica Friedrichs

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Jessica Friedrichs

Financial Aid Director

Heartland Welding Academy is Jessica’s first endeavor in the welding industry, but she has been married to a welder for 14 years. Her background is in marketing and promotion and she holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Mass Communication. Jessica handles financial aid, as well as marketing at HWA.

Jessica is a Missouri native, but since meeting Chuck in 2006 they have lived in Tennessee, Texas and now Wichita. Jessica spends her free time with her 7 year old son and is a huge sports fan, especially the Chicago Cubs.

Even though Jessica hasn’t always been in the welding industry she is a believer and has seen first-hand the opportunities trade skills can offer.

“Work ethic, networking and opportunity can get you just as far, if not further than, a college education. Formal education has its value, but it’s not the only path and it doesn’t guarantee success.”